Monthly Archives: January 2017

Starting Spinach in “Root Cubes”

Each cell contains a spinach seed.  Some of them have sprouted.  The blue light will help supplement the natural light from the west facing office picture window.  When they get just a little bit larger, we will transplant them into the clay pellet grow bed of the aquaponic system and hopefully will be eating fresh spinach leaves in our breakfast omelettes in the near future.
Spinach seeds in Root Cubes

Oscar Isn’t So Small

Look how big Oscar has gotten!!  We have had him for about four and a half months and he has grown from about the size of a half dollar to about the size of an adult hand.  His diet of fish pellets, worms from our worm bin, and the occasional lettuce leaf has served him well.

Oscar in the Aquaponic System

Matthew 4:18

Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.