Monthly Archives: November 2016

So … Fennel … Now What?

Dried fennel ferns make a great addition to meat dishes.  But how do I roast a fennel bulb?  That is the question.  As you can see in the picture below, we had some success in growing our first fennel in our square foot garden this year.  The fennel ferns have been plucked and set aside for drying.  The task at hand now is to find some cooking instructions or even a recipe for this delightful little fennel bulb.

Reminds me of a celery heart.

Fennel Bulb

Big Egg Little Egg

With they daylight hours waning, our hens are down to providing us yet a single egg per day.  Some of the eggs are small.  But on occasion we are blessed with an extra large egg.  This one from the other day dwarfs the others, and is so large it doesn’t even really fit into our large egg carton.  I’m looking forward to cracking open what I believe to be a double yolk egg for my spinach and cheddar omelette breakfast.

Double Yolker