Lettuce Seed Harvest

One seed produces hundreds. My God provides in abundance to feed His children.  Through patience and wisdom, one can feed their family.  Here we see what happens to the lettuce plant if we forgo eating it, and allow it to complete its life-cycle.

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The main stem shoots up, aka bolting.  Flowers develop, bloom and then turn into these seed clusters with their very own parachutes that they can use to ride the wind and spread their seed.

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Rubbing the seed clusters between your fingers will separate them from the plant.  The seeds and the chaff fall below, and we recommend working over a clean surface.  Next we use a technique called winnowing to separate the seed from the chaff.  Lightly blowing over the surface will clear the lighter chaff from the pile and the heavier seed stays in the tray.  Continue to rub and lightly blow until the seeds have been cleaned of most if not all of the fluff chaff.

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Finally, store the seeds in a cool dry place.  I’ve heard it told that there is a “rule of 100” when it comes to storing seed.  If the temperature plus the humidity level exceeds 100, then the seeds will not store properly.  We keep these in an envelop in a cool, dry place, and have plenty of seed for the following growing season.  He supplies us in abundance; Praise His Holy Name !!

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