Category Archives: Vermicomposting

Brown Mites in the Worm Farm

Brown mites in your worm bin is not uncommon, and they are generally harmless.  Too many of them, however, and the mites could be eating too much of the food you intend to feed the worms.  Presently we have TOO MANY brown mites in our worm trays!!

We’ve tried the trick where you place cantaloupe rinds into the bed and when they get covered in mites, dunk them in a bucket of water.  It works a bit.  Bait, rinse, repeat.  Maybe we will continue with this hands-on method if need be.  Perhaps, too, we will attempt this with watermelon rinds, which I hear they like as well.

We’ve also heard that laying the trays out in the light will drive them off as well.  As they are suited for life in the worm bin, if they venture out too far they will simply die.  At least that’s the urban legend among brown mites, if you happen to slow down enough to hear their tales.  Too much moisture, or too many breads/grains in the food may be exacerbating our mite situation.

If you have other tips or tricks to share with us about addressing an overpopulation of mites in the worm bin, please let us know in the comments below.  Until next time … GOD BLESS !!

brown mites in worm box

Vermicomposting (worm castings) Adding Worms to the Worm Factory 360

Welcome to Humbleville !!! After getting your Square Foot Garden (SFG) going, the best thing you can do for future crops is to add great organic material to your soil. Worm castings are one of the BEST soil amendments around. And you can get tons of great worm castings for virtually free by learning and trying vermicomposting yourself!

In this episode we will be introducing 1000 Red Wiggler worms (approximately 1 full pound of worms) to their new home in the Worm Factory 360. See the unboxing of the worm shipment. See the wigglers wiggling as they make their home in the prepared bedding. See us give them their first pile of food.

If you missed our video on how to set up your new Worm Factory 360, you can see that in our Humbleville play list.

Please continue to join us on our journey by SUBSCRIBING to this channel. SHARE the video with your friends who may be interested. At a minimum, can we humbly ask you to LIKE the video? It really helps. Thank you and God Bless !!

Mushrooms in the Worm Bin!

Mushrooms in the Worm Bin

Surprise, surprise, surprise!  Looks like we have a crop of mushrooms growing in our worm bin.  After doing a little online research, it appears that mushrooms are not harmful to this vermicomposting process and is evidence of a healthy microfungal system.  If you have differing information, would you be so kind as to comment below.  In the meantime, we will just allow our worm friends to munch on this occasional snack.

Vermicomposting (worm castings) Setting up Worm Factory 360

Welcome to Humbleville !!! After getting your Square Foot Garden (SFG) going, the best thing you can do for future crops is to add great organic material to your soil. Last August (8/8/2015) we received our Worm Factory 360 in the mail (cost about $100 on Amazon) and started our adventure in keeping worms.  Worm castings are one of the BEST soil amendments around. And you can get tons of great worm castings for virtually free by learning and trying vermicomposting yourself!

We are doing our vermicomposting by using a Worm Factory 360. In this video you will see how we set up the worm farm in advance of getting our worms so we can create the proper bedding and environment for our red wiggler worms. The Worm Factory 360 comes with almost everything you need to set up a great bedding and a new home for your hard working worms (you will need some water, and some of your local garden soil or regular compost). So easy even a child can do it!

Please continue to join us on our journey by SUBSCRIBING to this channel. It really helps. Thank you and God Bless !!

Job 25:6 ESV

How much less man, who is a maggot, and the son of man, who is a worm!”