Brown Mites in the Worm Farm

Brown mites in your worm bin is not uncommon, and they are generally harmless.  Too many of them, however, and the mites could be eating too much of the food you intend to feed the worms.  Presently we have TOO MANY brown mites in our worm trays!!

We’ve tried the trick where you place cantaloupe rinds into the bed and when they get covered in mites, dunk them in a bucket of water.  It works a bit.  Bait, rinse, repeat.  Maybe we will continue with this hands-on method if need be.  Perhaps, too, we will attempt this with watermelon rinds, which I hear they like as well.

We’ve also heard that laying the trays out in the light will drive them off as well.  As they are suited for life in the worm bin, if they venture out too far they will simply die.  At least that’s the urban legend among brown mites, if you happen to slow down enough to hear their tales.  Too much moisture, or too many breads/grains in the food may be exacerbating our mite situation.

If you have other tips or tricks to share with us about addressing an overpopulation of mites in the worm bin, please let us know in the comments below.  Until next time … GOD BLESS !!

brown mites in worm box

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