So … Fennel … Now What?

Dried fennel ferns make a great addition to meat dishes.  But how do I roast a fennel bulb?  That is the question.  As you can see in the picture below, we had some success in growing our first fennel in our square foot garden this year.  The fennel ferns have been plucked and set aside for drying.  The task at hand now is to find some cooking instructions or even a recipe for this delightful little fennel bulb.

Reminds me of a celery heart.

Fennel Bulb

2 thoughts on “So … Fennel … Now What?

  1. Good Morning –
    I purchased the jumbo pen a short while ago and now am considering the jumbo barn. I, like you live in southern Michigan only on the west side near Lake Michigan. The one question I have about the barn is this; does the barn maintain a decent level of heat in the winter despite all of vent holes they provide. Any problem with that? Anyway really enjoy your website, lots of fun. Take Care, Steve.

    1. So sorry I missed your comment from earlier. My four hens survived rather well over this past winter, and we had some cold, cold, cold days. When it got down into the single digits, I did introduce a heat lamp clamped to the dividers in the nesting box area with the heat lamp bulb pointed upwards. One night the clamp weakened and the bulb descended into the shaved pine bedding leaving some scorching (praise the Lord that there was no fire!!!). After that incident I was much more cautious using a heat lamp than even before. I also did not clean out the coop at all over the winter, thinking the chicken waste might be adding to the over-all temperature in the coop. The ladies came out of the coop into the attached pen area to eat and drink, but they are not fans of walking through snowy areas to explore. Hope that is helpful to you, and again I apologize for not seeing this question earlier, Steve. All the best and God Bless !!

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