Nitrate levels higher than expected

pH = 7.6 … Ammonia=0.50ppm … Nitrites=0.0ppm … Nitrates=160ppm!!!

Wow, the nitrates are much higher over this last month, I was anticipating they would have spiked and decreased by now. fish seem fine. cilantro showing some browning/purple. Spinach, the possible tomato, the spinach and the remaining house plants all look healthy … not sure if this high nitrate reading is acceptable or not, and if not, unsure what to do about it? more plants in the bed with bigger root systems?

One thought on “Nitrate levels higher than expected

  1. The water level had dropped considerably due to evaporation. I think I will need to create a cover for the tank to help with this problem. We introduced 6 additional gallons of purified drinking water to raise the water level and hopefully dilute the nitrate concentration. Another water test will be conducted soon to see if this has been beneficial.

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