Dandelion Wine – First Ever Batch

The girls helped me harvest enough dandelion flowers to put together our first ever batch of dandelion wine. It should be ready in a few weeks.  Expect a video from us at that time.  Here is the recipe we used:


1 quart yellow dandelion blossoms, well rinsed
1 gallon boiling water
1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
8 cups white sugar
1 orange, sliced
1 lemon slice


1.Place dandelion blossoms in the boiling water, and allow to stand for 4 minutes. Remove and discard the blossoms, and let the water cool to 90 degrees F (32 degrees C).

2.Stir in the yeast, sugar, orange slices, and a lemon slice; pour into a plastic fermentor, and attach a fermentation lock. Let the wine ferment in a cool area until the bubbles stop, 10 to 14 days. Siphon the wine off of the lees, and strain through cheesecloth before bottling in quart-sized, sterilized canning jars with lids and rings. Age the wine at least a week for best flavor.

Dandelion Wine

1 Timothy 5:23
New International Version
Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.

2 thoughts on “Dandelion Wine – First Ever Batch

  1. This was actually much better than we were expecting! It has a sweet, Schnapps-like flavor and wasn’t as stringent as we thought it would be. We will be brewing some more next season, I’m sure!

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