SFG Square Foot Garden 2016 mid August update – More Deer Attacks! Wood Chips & Peas!

Welcome to Humbleville, USA!! August has presented us a normal summer thus far, with high heat and enough rain. Finally the front lawn is green again. The purple plastic snakes we have placed in our Square Foot Garden appear to keep the deer away, but the deer has still struck in other areas (he ate my pumpkin! he ate my pumpkin!). We will be considering putting up fencing at some point if this continues to be an issue.

Yes, that is 10 full yards of FREE wood chips you see. Although it’ll take quite a bit of human energy to get them placed where we desire, you can’t beat the price. The project will include us laying down cardboard from reclaimed cardboard boxes to kill any weeds or grass, and then heaping a minimum of six inches of mulch on top. Not only will this help us keep the weeds and grass from growing in our gardening area, but as these wood chips break down over time it will actually recondition the soil beneath it, potentially increasing our usable and viable garden space!

Here are some thoughts on wood chips from our blog: https://humblevilleusa.com?p=162

Please continue to join us on our journey by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel. It really helps. Thank you and God Bless !!

Psalm 107:9
For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.

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