Our First Two Eggs! Time to Open Up the Nesting Boxes!

The girls have found two eggs in the yard today!  Our fist ever.  We are all very excited here in Humbleville.  Perhaps I should have anticipated this and opened up the nesting boxes earlier.  Perhaps they’ll take right to it now that we’ve opened it up to them.

Humbleville First Egg

Why were the nesting boxes closed off?  Chickens like to lay their eggs in a nice, neat place.  Not one where they were sleeping and pooping.  Therefore I took a couple of pieces of scrap plywood we had around the suburban homestead, and we had that area of the coop blocked off.

Presently we are also in the process of integrating a new hen into our young flock.  We’ll share more about that in a future post in the not too distant future.  These last two days, I have been allowing New Chick to run in the main pen area during the day, and the other four hens continue to have access to our whole back yard.  This might need to change now that we are getting eggs.  I don’t think we want to block off their access to the nesting boxes throughout the day now.

nesting boxes opened

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

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