Making Room for Indoor Spinach

The two towering tomato plants have now been removed from the system.  The vegetation growth was quite impressive, however the tomato production left something to be desired.  It’s not the tomato’s fault.  During the time we were growing the tomatoes in the aquaponic bed, we were experimenting with the use of cheap feeder fish.  When the fish thrived, the tomatoes thrived.  When the fish died, the tomatoes stalled.  Just like we would expect.

Now that we have the fish situation stabilized with Oscar, the oscar, and Ally Peters, the algae eater, we are moving on to spinach.  In the left side of the picture you will see a tray of Rootcubes Plus.  I’ve never used these before, but so far so good on the spinach germination.  When these get a bit bigger we plan on transplanting the spinach plants into the aquaponic grow bed to provide spinach for our farm fresh egg omelets.

Cleared out Grow Bed

“Though your beginning was insignificant, yet your end will increase greatly.”
—Job 8:7 (NASB)

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