Grow Bag vs Soil experiment with Indoor Cauliflower

It’s been a while since we have updated you on what’s going on in HumblevilleUSA, but let me tell you, it’s been quite a bit!  We will need to get in at least one or two more Square Foot Garden video updates before the 2017 growing season comes to an end here in Michigan.  But the fun is going to continue over the winter!!

That’s right, we are dipping our toes into the amazing world of indoor vegetable growing.  We are going to see if we can’t bring a couple of greenhouse variety of cucumbers to fruit indoors.  Lettuce, kale and spinach should be even easier.  And even Mrs. Humbleville is looking forward to having fresh greens and herbs all winter long.

winter seeds

There are a dizzying selection of lettuces from which to choose, and we’re going to have a blast growing and tasting any number of them.  One experiment that I’m looking forward to is with the use of a “fabric grow bag”.  I’ve been reading that the additional oxygen available to the root system with the use of a fabric grow bag versus a regular pot will aid in it’s growth.  Well, I just so happened to have two cauliflower plants started from seed that I did not transplant into our Square Foot Garden.  Can you say “side-by-side test”?!  We also transplanted our basil plant into one of these one-gallon grow bags.  Stay tuned as we share the results.

cauliflower grow bag experiment

We do have some rockwool ordered along with some net cups in order to start more lettuce next week, and every other week thereafter, so we can have a continuous flow of fresh, homegrown lettuce.  The sprouts you see below are the kale seeds we collected from our own kale plant last season (or was it the season before?  I’ll have to check our garden updates to be sure)!  So exciting to be able to keep your own seeds and grow even more food.  The germination rate was up near 100%, too !!

grow shelf kale and lettuce

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
—Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)

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