Transplanted Lettuce, Kale and More Kratky!

More room is needed now for our black seeded simpson lettuce and kale started in starter trays not too long ago.  This weekend was spent transplanting the seedlings into slightly larger pots, and we had enough high nitrate fish water to set up another half dozen or so kratky jars!

This weekend was also spent feasting on our fresh microgreen salads!!  So delicious!  We harvested the whole tray of lentil microgreens.  They grew fast and aren’t bad at all, but a touch more on the bitter side than the other microgreens we are growing.  The radish micogreens, grown from daikon radish seeds, are packed full with flavor and that distinctive radish heat.  The broccoli sprouts were mighty tasty and did pack a flavor punch easily identifiable as broccoli.  The sunflower microgreens are fantastic in a salad, proving a more substantial crunch than the other microgreens, with only a slightly bitter aftertaste which is imperceptible when under the spell of a salad dressing.

The two top shelves and part of the third in our basement grow shelf are packed with herbs, lettuces and vegetables now.  We have started a jar of mung bean sprouts and another tray of radish microgreens.  The second tray of sunflower microgreens are nearly ready for eating and finishing up greening under the lights as I type.  So far so good !!

Basement Grow Shelf Full of Lettuces

Proverbs 1:5 — A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.

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