Coconut coir mat Vs Soil for Daikon Radish Microgreens.

Below are my pictures of a tray of diakon radish grown on coconut coir mat for the first time for me. One ounce of seed was sprinkled on a mat soaked in H2O2 and covered with vermiculite, uncovered and under lights 5 days later and harvested another 5 days later. Yield is 8.5 ounces. (first 3 pictures)

coconut coir mat radish tray

coconut coir mat radish yield

mat radish

In October I dry seeded one ounce of diakon radish seed on soil and covered it with soil. It was uncovered 3 days later, harvested 6 days after that, and the yield was nearly 16 ounces. (4th picture)

radish micros new tray

Now conclusions should not be drawn from just one or two data points, but I believe there might be a lesson in here that the nutrients in the organic soil mix may produce a larger yield.  The experiments will continue.  There are still some advantages in growing with a non-soil grow medium (mainly that live plants are more kitchen friendly if there is no soil) but yield is obviously an important part of the equation.

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