The Deep Water Culture (DWC) Aquaponic Bed is Active!

There will still need to be some adjustments, but just yesterday I was able to finish what was required to get the deep water culture (DWC) aquaponic bed expansion operational.  So excited!

The DWC bed is different than the flood and drain bed, and is suitable for lettuces.  The existing bed had a compressed clay pellet grow medium and the water would rise and fall, wetting the roots and providing nutrients but then allowing them to dry out so the roots do not rot.  This new expansion will have water in the bed at all times, with fresh aerated water coming from the fish tank to be used by the lettuce plants floating atop the water, with the overflow going out from the back of the bed and returning into the fish tank below.

I’ve had to, at least temporarily, return to the 1000 watt equivalent LED light to light up both beds, but I already have a lower watt LED panel I can install now at my leisure above the new bed.  For now, the pink room with the reflector hanging behind it as a light shield will add to our outdoor Christmas decorations in the front window.

The lettuce in the picture below were started from seed and have been growing set in trays on my florescent light grown shelf until I got this bed up and running.  I’m looking forward to seeing how these grow and rotating in a couple of head of lettuce every week to keep us in a continual fresh supply.

aquaponic dwc bed

2 Samuel 22:37

“You enlarge my steps under me, And my feet have not slipped.

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