Root Explosion!

So it has been 8 days since we opened up the new DWC aquaponic bed for our lettuce plants, and the results already have been simply amazing!  The DWC bed was much easier to install than the Flood & Drain bed, and a lot less expensive as we didn’t need any of the Hydroton expanded clay pellets as a grow medium.  We are simply growing in nutrient rich water!!

aquaponic roots

What I want to point out here is the tremendous root growth in about one week!  In the picture above you will see the lettuce plant’s roots.  The darker roots you see hanging down in the middle of the root system are the roots that had established up until a week ago.  Those dark roots are still healthy, taking on the color from the soil and such when it was sitting in a tray under the florescent grow lights.  All of the white roots are the NEW root growth!!!  All of those new white roots came into existence in just one week.  I’m really looking forward to this new edition into our healthy eating plan.

Job 14:7-9  For there is hope for a tree, When it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And its shoots will not fail. “Though its roots grow old in the ground And its stump dies in the dry soil, At the scent of water it will flourish And put forth sprigs like a plant.

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