Spicy Cheesy Sunflower Shoot Snack

One and a half pounds of freshly harvested sunflower shoots, covered in liquid aminos, nutritional yeast, olive oil and just a hint of cayenne pepper made for a delicious snack after hours of dehydrating at 105 degrees F.  It filled the house with an odd asian food smell that wasn’t entirely unwelcoming.

Any guess as to how much 1.5 pounds of sunflower microgreens would reduce to in a dehydrator?  5.8 ounces.  That’s a pretty good amount of water weight that was taken out of the product during the process.  It wasn’t quite as crispy as I would have thought. Maybe I used a little too much oil; maybe I hadn’t dehydrated quite as long as I should have.  Regardless this is still quite the tasty snack, and the aftertaste is better than the initial bite.

spicy cheesy sunflower snacks

Click: Article on Making the Sunflower Snacks

cheesy spicy sunflower microgreens

Psalm 107:9 
For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

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