CANNING: Meat Storage — Taste Test — 2 Month Old Chicken Legs

Welcome back to Humbleville! There are a bunch of good Youtube videos on how to can meat, so I won’t get too much into that today. But what I have found lacking are taste testing videos. The ones I have seen are taste tests right after the canning process. But what does it taste like after it has been sitting on the shelf at room temperature for a period of time? Well, it just so happens that I have canned chicken legs and thighs two months ago, and I’m in the mood for some tasty chicken. Please join me on this Humbleville adventure as we taste test two month old chicken. Please share this video with your friends, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the Humbleville channel to see if I survive the taste test long enough to produce additional videos. God Bless!

UPDATE:  We broke open a jar of chicken thighs at the one year mark to make chicken salad sandwiches and they were delicious!!  Our Chloe tasted the warmed chicken before I mixed it up and she asked “Daddy, did you put butter on this chicken?  It’s awesome!”.  A little mayo, some chopped celery, a few dollops of pickle relish and some shredded mild cheddar served on lightly toasted bread made a great lunch.  I wish I had my garden fresh lettuce to serve on it as well.

Those who work their land will have abundant food but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty.
– Proverbs 28:19

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