Monthly Archives: March 2018

Keto Breakfast with Microgreens

If you’re following a ketogenic diet, you know that about 75-80% of your calories should come from fat, about 20% from protein and then ultra-low carbohydrates.  Additionally, recent studies support the idea the egg consumption to get one’s protein aids in weight loss more than other forms of protein.  Given that, I thought I would share with you a ketogenic breakfast that I thoroughly enjoy.

First I start with generous amount of Kerrigold grass-fed butter (actually it is the cows that are fed grass; the butter isn’t fed anything) to saute some of our nutritious and delicious broccoli microgreens.  Pound for pound, broccoli microgreens are shown to have 4-6 times the nutritional content as the same weight of full grown broccoli !!

Next I take two farm fresh eggs and scramble them up with a touch of water.  I add small bits of cream cheese and then pour that into the hot pan with the saute’d broccoli micros.  A little bit of salt; a little bit of pepper.  Cook the scrambled eggs as normal.  When they are nearly complete I lay out strips of cheddar cheese to melt on top.  Plate it, a few sprinkles of your favorite hot sauce and topped with radish microgreens, and you are ready for a keto-friendly healthy breakfast.  ENJOY !!

scrambled eggs and microgreens

Move Over Kale Chips … Here Comes the Sunflowers!

Today’s experiment is to turn a pound and a half of freshly grown sunflower shoots into a tasty snack with the aid of a dehydrator.  We’ve enjoyed making kale chips in this fashion with excess kale from our Square Foot Garden, so why not apply this technique to nutritious sunflower microgreens?

I’m sure I’ll have to tweak the recipe, but a fellow microgreen grower shared that he does this all the time with his left over sunnies and people love them.  For one version he uses Liquid Aminos (a gluten free alternative to soy sauce), nutritional yeast (gives it a cheesy flavor) and a bit of olive oil and a dash of cayenne pepper.  After the sunnies are fully dressed, they are place on the dehydrator at 105 degrees F for hours until they become crisp.

Any guesses as to what the after dehydrating weight will be?  Comment below.  It’ll be fun !!

Dehydrated Sunflower Snacks

Dressed Sunflowers for Dehydrating

Psalm 37:2

For they will wither quickly like the grass And fade like the green herb.

New for Sustainable Roots — Wheatgrass !!!

Reading up on the nutritional benefits of consuming wheatgrass juice, I’m convinced it is even more beneficial to one’s body than our broccoli microgreens.  So we got the wheat berries, and already have the growing equipment.  The only thing left we had to acquire to get this experiment going was a manual juicer.

The highly fibrous wheat grass, apparently, won’t juice well in our traditional juicer.  Fortunately I found a cast iron juicer online on clearance marked down to $40 including shipping.  That’s not too high of a hurdle for good nutrition, so I am rolling the dice thinking this may be something we will incorporate into our diets.

The first step is to soak the wheat berries overnight.  Then for a couple of days we will rinse and drain and keep them in darkness until they start to sprout.  After that, we transfer then into one of our growing trays with minimal soil, watering them daily and watching it grow.  We should be able to get “two cuts” from the wheat grass tray, meaning after we cut and consume it the first time, we can leave it to grow back another time.

Stay tuned … I should be posting about the end result in about a week or two!

Soaking Wheat Berries

The Ladies Are Laying Again!

We are squarely back into farm fresh egg season and couldn’t be happier!!  Honestly we have gotten out of the egg eating habit over the winter when we only had store bought eggs available to us (yes, we could provide artificial light over the winter to trick our hens’ bodies into continual egg laying, but we prefer letting God’s rhythm’s work for He is Wise!).

I had gotten out of the habit of checking the nesting box, too.  Why would I if they aren’t laying.  One of the girls wanted to check the nesting box, so we did. And to our surprise there were 10 eggs in there!  We had no idea how long they have been in there, and while freshly laid eggs have a long shelf live, we decided to forgo this firstly discovered batch.

Now we are getting approximately three eggs a day from our four hens!  What a lovely surprise.  Can you say “Spring Veggie Frittata and Spinach Quiche”?  Bring on the Spring!

farm fresh eggs

Luke 11:12

“Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he?