Move Over Kale Chips … Here Comes the Sunflowers!

Today’s experiment is to turn a pound and a half of freshly grown sunflower shoots into a tasty snack with the aid of a dehydrator.  We’ve enjoyed making kale chips in this fashion with excess kale from our Square Foot Garden, so why not apply this technique to nutritious sunflower microgreens?

I’m sure I’ll have to tweak the recipe, but a fellow microgreen grower shared that he does this all the time with his left over sunnies and people love them.  For one version he uses Liquid Aminos (a gluten free alternative to soy sauce), nutritional yeast (gives it a cheesy flavor) and a bit of olive oil and a dash of cayenne pepper.  After the sunnies are fully dressed, they are place on the dehydrator at 105 degrees F for hours until they become crisp.

Any guesses as to what the after dehydrating weight will be?  Comment below.  It’ll be fun !!

Dehydrated Sunflower Snacks

Dressed Sunflowers for Dehydrating

Psalm 37:2

For they will wither quickly like the grass And fade like the green herb.

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