New for Sustainable Roots — Wheatgrass !!!

Reading up on the nutritional benefits of consuming wheatgrass juice, I’m convinced it is even more beneficial to one’s body than our broccoli microgreens.  So we got the wheat berries, and already have the growing equipment.  The only thing left we had to acquire to get this experiment going was a manual juicer.

The highly fibrous wheat grass, apparently, won’t juice well in our traditional juicer.  Fortunately I found a cast iron juicer online on clearance marked down to $40 including shipping.  That’s not too high of a hurdle for good nutrition, so I am rolling the dice thinking this may be something we will incorporate into our diets.

The first step is to soak the wheat berries overnight.  Then for a couple of days we will rinse and drain and keep them in darkness until they start to sprout.  After that, we transfer then into one of our growing trays with minimal soil, watering them daily and watching it grow.  We should be able to get “two cuts” from the wheat grass tray, meaning after we cut and consume it the first time, we can leave it to grow back another time.

Stay tuned … I should be posting about the end result in about a week or two!

Soaking Wheat Berries

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