The Girls Are Getting Big … Is Roo a Hen or a Rooster?

Of the five chicks we brought home on Good Friday, there is one we suspect being a rooster.  Three of the five chicks were Buff Orpingtons.  In this picture below we see the suspected rooster, affectionately named Roo, next to another Buff Orpington.  Obviously Roo has a much bigger comb and waddle.  Additionally we will get a series of weak cock-a-doodle-doos in the morning from Roo.  I’m so glad it isn’t a robust crow because our motto is … If it crows, it goes.

One of my friends who has a life long experience with chickens is giving us hope that Roo may yet be a hen.  She noted the tail posture of Roo.  It isn’t up like rooster like to do.  Also, Roo doesn’t seem to be developing spurs.  We probably have a couple of months or so before we will know for sure … but what do you think?  Is Roo a rooster or a hen?

Is Roo a Hen or a Rooster?
Is Roo a Hen or a Rooster?

One thought on “The Girls Are Getting Big … Is Roo a Hen or a Rooster?

  1. I posted a short vid on Facebook with Roo crowing in the morning, and unfortunately all of my chicken peeps concurred … Roo is indeed a rooster. We will have him through Independence Day and then a friend with a farm will be taking him away. The girls and I are sad, but we knew this was a possibility. If it crows, it goes.

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