Update on the Mystery Plant

Months ago, when I started what I thought was a new batch of thyme, these mystery plants cropped up.  Sharing a picture on social media, the best guess was that these were probably tomatoes.  And that is ending up to be true.  Previously I thought perhaps these were grape tomatoes or possibly cherry tomatoes as this is what we mainly planted in the 2015 season.  But these fruits are too big to be anything but a regular sized tomato.  The picture below is of the main plant I have in my desktop aquaponic bed.  There is one cluster of five.

Aquaponic Tomato

The aquaponic tomato plant has grown more rapidly than the companion tomato plant that I left in a large pot.  That being said, the potted tomato had grown to a nearly unmanageable size indoors in front of our west facing picture window.  This past weekend we relocated it to the outdoor garden area.  While this plant has not produced any fruit as of yet, there are clusters of small yellow flowers.  We shall see if it will adjust to the transition, and see if I can keep it watered and fed enough to be a highly productive tomato plant.

Tall tomato for mid-June

God Bless !!!

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