Sunflower Sprouts into the 10×20 to Grow Microgreens

On day four of the black sunflower seed sprout experiment, the jar is completely jam-packed with sprouts!  If I were to be continuing the sprout process, I may go with one cup of seed for the quart mason jar instead of the two cups of seed used here.  We are not worried about running out of more space in the mason jar because we are more than ready to get the sunflower microgreen tray up and running.

sunflower sprouts in a full mason jar

I put about 2 inches of soil into the bottom of a 10″ x 20″ tray with holes, and placed a similar try without holes beneath it.  The soil was wet down so it was moist, but not wet.  Then I dumped the black oil sunflower sprouts from the quart mason jar into the tray.  It was so packed that it wasn’t as easy pulling them out without damaging them as I thought.  Running my finger around the inside of the jar seemed to knock them free enough to fall out without much damage seemed to work rather well. Take a look at the pile of sprouts packed in there!

Next, I just spread them out flat into the tray and gave them another healthy mist of my aquaponic fish water.  With another 10″ x 20″ tray without holes, I pressed the sprouts flat into the soil.  Next we just keep that additional tray, right side up for now, inside the planted tray to keep them covered and in the dark.  Twice per day I am to give these sunflower sprouts a spritz and keep my eyes on them for growth.

When they start pushing up the tray, I will flip the tray over to give them more room to grow, but still keep it on top of the sprout tray to keep them in the dark so they get nice and leggy before we green them  up prior to eating … hopefully in about a week we will be enjoying these in our salads !!!  Stay tuned to see how this goes.

sunflower sprouts in tray

Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

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