Do We Have Peppers?

With only a western facing window in our home to use for plants, the lighting situation has been holding back the power of the desktop aquaponic system.  But no more!  At my disposal is a 1000w LED light, that is supposed to be equivalent to a 600w HPS light, and draw less than 200w of actual current.  I’ve had this left over pepper plan in the grow bed for some time, but now that there is a light above there the plant has produced many flowers and just yesterday did I notice what looks to be the tiniest pepper fruit emerging from the plant!  See above my thumbnail in the picture below?  Does that look like a pepper to you?

Aquaponic Peppers

Over the next few days, I should get a definitive answer as to if we can look forward to fresh, homegrown peppers or not.  The free light app has the light power measuring at about 14,000 – 15,000 lux.  For comparison, the florescent lights I have been using for my seed starts registers at 3,000 – 4,000 lux while the light in our dimly lit rooms in our house measure at less than 100 lux.  That should be enough to get some fresh vegetables going.  And enough to get some curious questions as to what is in my window from our neighbors.

Genesis 1:3
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

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