Cauliflower and Cucumbers

The larger plants that will no longer fit on my modest grow shelf at home have been moved to my excess office space under a 1000 watt LED light.  Comparing the cauliflower plants in the protected and heated environment of the office to what is happening to their brothers and sisters planted into the outdoor garden bed is startling.  I’m finding it much more fun to watch plants grow when they … well … grow.

The four cucumber plants seen in the picture are developing nicely.  When they are a bit larger I plan on hanging some vinyl netting along the back wall and start training up the cucumber vines.  There is another variety of cucumber that I want to try indoors, too, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed with the produce so I’ve reigned in my desires for now and will start the next variety in about a month or so.

Looking good !!!

Cauliflower and Cucumbers

Psalm 118:24

24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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