What Do I Do With Excess Microgreens?

They will probably all get eaten in most cases, unless you simply overproduced.  Then what?  Well yesterday I packaged some up and handed it off to a neighbor.  That’s a great way to put your excess microgreens to good use before they go bad.  Yes, the other neighbors want some now too.

If you still have left over microgreens, then maybe a microgreen cocktail is right up your alley.  Here is what I tried:

Excess Punch

  • 6 ounces of lentil microgreens
  • 5 ounces of radish microgreens
  • 4 ounces of sunflower microgreens
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 2 large romaine lettuce leaves
  • 1/4 lemon

Wash and put everything into a juicer (even if a few sunflower seeds slip in there, it’ll get pulverized and juiced, so no worries).  With a cup under the spout, get ready to collect this green beverage chock full of nutrients and vitamins.  Then taste.

It is simply vile.  If you had to imagine the worst tasting vegetable concoction, multiply that by four and you’re probably close to what this recipe is like.  The lentil greens give it a woody, grassy over the top bitter vegetable flavor. Next the heat from the radish microgreens develop and you wonder if this will turn into a Bloody Mary, but it won’t.  The slight sourness the lemon adds an illusion of an oasis of flavor.

But this was just at room temperature.  Perhaps this will taste better cold.  So I drop several ice cubes into my proud microgreen beverage and wait patiently for the drink to cool.  Then I try again.  The initial taste is now milder and hints of refreshment, but then the vileness comes roaring back to take center stage.  As I take several gulps to get this nutrient goodness into my body, I am running the calculus in my head to determine if the beneficial nutrients outweigh the vileness of the flavor.  It’s still too close to call.

In conclusion, if you have excess microgreens that you cannot use before they turn, your best bet is to be kind and share with your neighbors.   We will try again to perfect a veggie microgreen beverage that is palatable.  Maybe we will succeed.  In all fairness the above recipe was developed as our first ever attempt to use our new juicer, and there may be a microgreen smoothie that we can handle.  But until then, we encourage you to use up your microgreens in salads, sandwiches, soups, stir fries, omelets, and if you still have more, give them away to people you like and love.

microgreen juice

Luke 3:11 John replied, “If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry.”

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