Kratky Kale Experiment with and Aquaponic Twist

Perhaps every experiment starts out with a certain level of enthusiasm.  The idea that perhaps I could fill a mason jar with fish waste water from my aquaponic tank, leave it alone under lights for 30+ days and then be able to eat homegrown lettuce or kale was no exception.

To the left is the kale plant grown in this experimental fashion.  To the right is the kale grown from the same saved seed as the other, but in soil under the same lights.  I think we have a clear winner.

aquaponic kratky kale experiment

Does this mean my kratky experiments are over?  Of course not!  I am pondering about buying some hydroponic nutrients and running a side-by-side experiment with the kratky method done the traditional way and one with this aquaponic water to see if it was a nutrient issue or another variable.  Fun! Fun! Fun!  Who says I shouldn’t play with my food?

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