Lower Watt Aquaponic Light Decreases Obnoxiousness

Perhaps the 1000 watt LED with it’s blue and red spectrum lights casting a very noticeable pink hue into the front of our subdivision was a little overkill.  That light was so bright I had to take one of those windshield reflectors from Dollar Tree and create a backstop for the light just so we could use the room that it is in.

aqaponic light

It’s replacement is a much more streamline and reasonable brightness clocking in at 45 watts.  It is my hope that with this supplemental LED light and the natural daylight we can get in this western facing window, that’ll be all we need to grow fresh vegetables and herbs right in our front room.  We’ve been able to take down the light shield, and the pink hue is much less noticeable.  So long as we get continued growth, this was a great move (and the light only cost $28 shipped.

Psalm 119:105 (NIV) — Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

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