Using a Top Coat to Avoid Seed Heads in Microgreens

I think these sunflowers and broccoli microgreens are ready to harvest.

The sunflowers were grown in coconut coir with a top layer of coconut coir. The process looked concerning to me, with the sunnies pushing up blobs of the coconut coir on top. I continued top watering until the last couple of days, and I am pretty well satisfied with the end result and greatly diminished seed head issue.

sunflower micros in coconut coir

The broccoli microgreens were also grown in coconut coir but this time I used course vermiculite as the top coating. I like this better. The vermiculite fell from the top as the broccoli microgreens grew and there was a massively positive impact on avoiding the seed head issue.

broccoli micros in coconut coir w vermiculite top

Ecclesiastes 1:16

I said to myself, “Behold, I have magnified and increased wisdom more than all who were over Jerusalem before me; and my mind has observed a wealth of wisdom and knowledge.”

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