Microgreen Salad with Farm Fresh Eggs

Look at this savory salad a friend of ours made with the broccoli and radish microgreens we gave to her to try!  I think she nailed it.  Thank you so much for sharing your creation with us at Sustainable Roots!

I know our friends have backyard chickens, so it is safe to assume that the hard boiled eggs are farm fresh.  Crumbled feta and red pepper not only add to the flavor profile but really enhance this salad’s visual appeal.

If you’ve tried pealing hard boiled eggs made from farm fresh eggs, you know how hard they can be to peal.  The store bought eggs are much older, and the inside of the egg has had enough time to pull away from the shell, which helps in their pealing but diminishes its flavor.  Just recently we acquired the Farber brand of the popular InstantPot, and one thing owners of this kitchen device rave about is how great the hard boiled eggs are.  We gave it a try with our own farm fresh eggs, and I can attest that this is an amazing way to make hard boiled eggs.  Perhaps some day I’ll elaborate on this process here in Humbleville.

microgreen salad with egg

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