Vine Ripened Indoor Cherry Tomatoes!

Now we are finally getting to the pay-off.  Three cherry tomato plants, started from seed months ago, are finally experiencing the full ripening of its fruit under LED lights.  These are definitely not the watery orbs shipped in from Mexico and purchasable in local grocery stores.  These babies are small but full of flavor.

I was tricked before when I pulled one and a half cucumbers from my indoor trellis, only to have the plants’ roots rot (most likely due to colder temperatures, even indoors) and quit producing.  As the tomatoes are in a better location indoors and housed in a grow tent, my hopes are higher for future tomatoes!

On a side note … Allison, I didn’t have these at home for Paul’s sandwiches (may have only had enough here for one or two anyway) as these were at my office location, or Paul would be enjoying them today.  The good news for my girls is they can have at ’em !!  Perhaps next time.

ripe cherry tomatoes

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