Ebb and Flow Watering System for Microgreens

So far so good on the installation of a 4′ x 4′ ebb and flow growbed at the office!  Next project will be to get the LED light panel installed over it and then get some microgreens growing!

What you see below is the the business are of this ebb and flow growbed.  One of the fixtures is for the water to pump into the growbed from the water reservoir below.  The other fixture is the overflow which will prevent catastrophic flooding should the water pump stay running in a malfunction.  We’ll get the timing dialed in when we are actually growing microgreens in here, but the pump runs for 3-5 minutes 2x per day, and that should keep these little delicious plants hydrated during its growing cycle.

At full capacity, we should be able to harvest up to 8 trays per week from this system!  For the first part of the growing cycle, the seeded trays sit covered in the dark.  On the following Monday, I plan to transfer the trays that were in the dark into this automated growbed.  The hope is by Friday we will be able to harvest and distribute over the weekend.  The best laid plans of mice and men … we shall see how this vision culminates.

ebb and flow microgreen grow bed

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