2 x 3 Aquaponic Bed – April 2016


And here is an update on our fairly newly established 2′ x 3′ aquaponic bed.  Some of the houseplants are still in the bed to help eliminate the nitrates from the recirculating water, but they will come out soon enough as we expand our edible vegetation.  The green onions (started from the root end of the store bought variety) are quite tall and the girls enjoy eating them right out of the aquaponic bed, although I’ve been using mine in my morning omelettes.  Delish!  The spinach and cilantro that have been transplanted in are doing well and I’ve harvested a bit of the cilantro already to add into homemade guacamole. Also Delish!  I’m hoping that the potted plant you see in the left side of the picture is a tomato plant.  This mystery plant was growing in a pot within which I was attempting to grow more thyme.  Only time will tell if this will bear fruit or not.  We shall see.  Stay tuned and God Bless!!

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