Getting 5 Chicks on Good Friday 2016

New Chicks

And five new chicks have moved into Humbleville, USA and Spooky the cat is rather curious.  We were able to borrow this cage from a friend which will make this chick rearing a bit nicer.  They have plenty of room and even a place to perch.  If they get cold, they can huddle under the heat lamp, and if they are cold they can move to the other side of the pen.  We ended up selecting three Buff Orpingtons, one Rhode Island Red and one Silver Wyandotte.

So far the Wyandotte seems to be the most active and energetic, and when we hold her she seems to poop on the holder every time.  The Rhode Island Red has started getting the reputation for not pooping on the holder, and just pooping where she is supposed to.  The Buffs are hit and miss in the category.

Statistically we have 1/2 of a rooster in this lot of five chicks.  I’m hoping this gets round down and not up.  We are not seeking to own a rooster, and I think our neighbors would agree.  But we shall see.

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